Friday, September 27, 2019

Reasearch project managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reasearch project managment - Essay Example Furthermore, these commodities are leading causes of pollution since they undergo combustion prior to their use leading to the emission of greenhouse gases that pollute the atmosphere (EREC 2010). As apparent in recent findings, countries within the European Union continue to record an increase in the demand for energy generated from renewable sources. From the sample size used in the research, estimations indicate that an increase in energy consumption will be recorded in the next decade due to continuity in the growth of the population. Normally, the developed countries are the principal consumers for energy. This is attributable to their increased utilization of technology and items that use energy to run operations (EREC 2010). The categories of the energy, which are used in such countries, include electricity, solar, wind and fossil fuels. Scientifically, it will be important for nations to educate its citizens on the roles they can play in promoting the use of renewable sources. The research intended to establish the factors that influenced consumption of energy within the European Union basing on percentage figures. As apparent in the findings, there was an expectation that pollution would increase based on the demand for fuel and other sources of energy. Therefore, authorities should devise measures of curbing the negative environmental effects associated with energy consumption (EREC 2010). The use of energy commodities is advantageous; however, regulatory mechanisms should be adopted to limit the detrimental impacts that cause environmental pollution. The need for control mechanisms is partly attributable to the colossal sums that countries within the EU spend in meeting their energy needs. Research indicates that the gross national savings for the member countries should focus on electricity production. Concerns focusing on

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